My Story: Anonymous Member 3

This is a story of a family member of mine. It's a roller coaster ride and journey. He grew up with both parents, mom was a stay-at-home mom and dad was the provider for the family, yes his dad was strict and mom was lenient. They weren't rich but they didn't need anything, but that all changed when his father was deported back to Belize. He was 11 years old and hurt. So he kept playing football and going to school as his dad wished. Times got really hard and his mom later met someone new and had two more children, 5 boys altogether. But his mom was also being beaten up by the new guy. Years down the line his mom got up enough courage to move on from the abuse, but my family member never let it go. It really hurt and angered him to see his mom being treated this way. His dad never did these things to his mom. My family member ended up graduating high school with a scholarship to play football, he ended up having two beautiful daughters but made a mistake later on down the l...