Episode 14: Even the elites need training wheels sometimes, with Olympian and investment coach LaVonne Idlette
We’re joined by LaVonne Idlette, Olympic track star, lawyer and investment coach, and contestant on The Amazing Race. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, she competed in the Women's 100 meters hurdles as well as attending Hampton University to compete in the heptathlon. She also competed on The Amazing Race in 2020 for season 32. LaVonne now spends her time helping high achievers, such as professional athletes, lawyers, and doctors, invest in commercial real estate to educate on financial fitness and create passive income.
There’s so many great take-a-ways but we’ve taken to highlighting a few:
The mental shift necessary to go from being good at many things to becoming great at one
Why it’s important to surround yourself with other high achieving people
Unlearning stereotypes (for example: that athletes aren’t intelligent)
How to stay aware from those who try to keep you in the dark by keeping you uneducated
The buckets you should keep you money in and why you should diversify your financial profile
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